"Do Over"

2022 Nominated Films

Availability ended 10/14/2022 CDT
The main themes of the Motivational film are survival, determination, and never giving up on your dreams. The film also tells a universal story about Alcohol use disorder. One of the fundamental themes in the film is determination. Determination is that you can accomplish anything you need if you invest sufficient effort and do not surrender even when times are hard. It goes to show that if you dedicate yourself to your passions and you work hard through the tough times, you will come out successful in the end. you have to work for what you achieve, you have to make sacrifices, and you’re going to fail multiple times; but as long as you keep pushing forward, you can make it happen and that’s the message Movie Do Over portrays with Siva (Maanav) is that of “Hard Work”, If you’re prepared to work really hard, you can achieve what you want. Despite the numerous obstacles, Siva wanted a better life for himself and was willing to work beyond the multiple obstacles, for this, in the long run, he was rewarded. It means believing in yourself. It means a willingness to accept "failure" so you can learn the critical skill of adaptation. It means not compromising on your most important values. A Next-generation message about Alcohol-free and Dedication to achieving a Dream.